Hi users and developers!
We would like to share the information about an event appearance of Fluentd maintainers.
Daijiro Fukuda and Kentaro Hayashi, Fluentd Maintainers from ClearCode Inc., are going to talk at the Open Source Summit Japan on December 5th
The event has been taken thousands of attendees all over the world and one of the leading Open Source event in Japan. We are honored to take this opportunity and very excited to share about Fluentd project at the conference!
Everyone attending the event, please join us!
Date: December 5th 14:00-14:40
Speakers: Daijiro Fukuda and Kentaro Hayashi from ClearCode Inc.
Fluentd, the CNCF graduated project, starts a new chapter as the OSS project. Fluentd community released the new package fluent-package as the successor of td-agent and started providing a new release cycle to fit better with needs. This talk is going to share the latest news of Fluentd, including its updates, package, rebranding and so on, with people who are using Fluentd or struggling to manage their logs. Fluentd is an open source data collector that unifies data collection and consumption. Because of its flexible plugin system and scalability, Fluentd is adopted in various systems and has become a de facto standard, especially for scale logging in distributed systems.
In the new release cycle, the package applies only bug fixes and security fixes of Fluentd over a long term, about two years. We are confident that this will meet the demands of users who want to use Fluentd stably over the long term. In this session, we will talk about (a) the history of Fluentd v1 and td-agent v4, (b) why Fluentd community decided to rebrand existing td-agent to fluent-package, (c) what the benefits and impacts of the new release cycle are, and (d) how to upgrade to fluent-package from td-agent.
Detail info: Link to event page
Name: Open Source Summit Japan 2023
Date: 2023-12-04 to 2023-12-06
Host: The Linux Foundation
Open Source Summit Japan is the leading conference in Japan connecting the open source ecosystem under one roof, providing a forum for technologists and open source industry leaders to collaborate and share information, learn about the latest in open source technologies and find out how to gain a competitive advantage by using innovative open solutions.
Open Source Summit is a conference umbrella, composed of a collection of events covering the most important technologies, topics, and issues affecting open source today.
Quote from the event web page : https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-japan/
Subscribed to the RSS feed here.
ClearCode, Inc. is a software company specializing in the development of Free Software. We maintain Fluentd and its plugin ecosystem, and provide commercial support for them.
Fluentd is an open source data collector to unify log management.
2024-08-29: Scheduled support lifecycle announcement about Fluent Package v6
2023-08-29: Drop schedule announcement about EOL of Treasure Agent (td-agent) 4
2023-08-29: Scheduled support lifecycle announcement about Fluent Package
2023-07-31: Upgrade to fluent-package v5
2025-01-29: Fluentd v1.16.7 has been released
2024-12-14: fluent-package v5.2.0 has been released
2024-11-29: Fluentd v1.18.0 has been released
2024-11-08: fluent-package v5.0.5 has been released
2024-08-29: Scheduled support lifecycle announcement about Fluent Package v6
2024-08-20: Fluentd v1.16.6 has been released
2024-08-19: Fluentd v1.17.1 has been released
2024-08-02: fluent-package v5.1.0 has been released
2024-07-02: fluent-package v5.0.4 has been released
2024-04-30: Fluentd v1.17.0 has been released
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Fluentd is a hosted project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.