Fluentd v1.9.1 has been released

Hi users!

We have released v1.9.1. ChangeLog is here. This release includes several enhancements.

http_server helper: Support HTTPS

http_server helper supports HTTPS via http_server_create_https_server method.

This is mainly for 3rd party plugin migration.

parser_syslog: Add multiline RFC5424 support

parser_syslog with rfc5424 mode can parse multiline messages now.

<16>1 2017-02-06T13:14:15.003Z fluentd - - - Hi,\nfrom\nFluentd!

Above log can be parsed correctly.

out_http: Add warning for retryable_response_codes

We have a plan to remove 503 from retryable_response_codes's default value since fluentd v2.

If you want to keep 503, set it explicitly in configuration.

Major bug fixes

  • tls: Fix TLS version handling in secure mode
  • output: Add EncodingError to unrecoverable errors

Enjoy logging!

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Written by Masahiro Nakagawa

Masahiro (@repeatedly) is the main maintainer of Fluentd. He works on Fluentd development and support full-time. He is also a committer of the D programming language.