Fluentd v0.12.24 has been released

Hi users!

We have released Fluentd version 0.12.24. Here are the changes:

New features / Enhancement

  • buffer: Add dropoldestchunk to bufferqueuefull_action parameter: #934
  • in_tail: Add encoding parameter: #889
  • in_tail: Add path_key patameter: #951
  • in_monitor_agent: Add emit_config parameter to emit plugin configuration together: #963
  • config: Support multiline string in " quoted string: #929

Bug fixes

  • in_http: Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin to response header: #882
  • parser: Fix logger on Fluent::StringUtil to use $log: #926
  • out_forward: Add missing error class definition: #953

in_tail: Add path_key and encoding parameters

We have tail_path plugin to add tailing path to event record. This information is useful when you want to identify the origin in analytics phase. So we merged tail_path feature into core in_tail.

  @type tail
  path /path/to/app.log
  path_key filepath

In this configuration, event record is like below:


By default, in_tail emits events with ASCII-8BIT encoding. This is best for log forwarding. On the other hand, if you want to apply filters, it sometimes inconvenience when records contain non-ascii characters. In this case, set encoding UTF-8 resolves the problem. If you want to know supported encoding list, try following command:

$ ruby -e "puts Encoding.name_list.sort"

Support multiline string in " quoted string

This is for configuration readability. Here is an example:

  @type foo
  config1 "foo
  config2 "foo\

In this configuration, config1 is interpreted as foo\nbar and config2 is interpreted as foobar. You can use \ is to concant next line string without \n.

Lastly, v0.12.24 docker image has also been available on Docker Hub.

Happy logging!

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Written by Masahiro Nakagawa

Masahiro (@repeatedly) is the main maintainer of Fluentd. He works on Fluentd development and support full-time. He is also a committer of the D programming language.